Millitonic Mwendwa Kimanzi Kitute v Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission & 2 others Case Summary

Court: High Court at Kitui

Category: Civil

Judge(s): Pauline Nyamweya

Judgment Date: October 24, 2017

Country: Kenya

Document Type: PDF

Number of Pages: 3

 Case Summary        


Explore the case summary of Millitonic Mwendwa Kimanzi Kitute v Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission & 2 others, examining key legal issues and implications in electoral law.

Case Brief: Millitonic Mwendwa Kimanzi Kitute v Independent Electoral and Boundaries
Commission & 2 others.
1. Case Information:
- Name of the Case: Millitonic Mwendwa Kimanzi Kitute v Independent Electoral and
Boundaries Commission & 2 others
- Case Number: Election Petition No. 1 of 2017
- Court: High Court At Kitui
- Date Delivered: October 24, 2017
- Category of Law: Civil
- Judge(s): Pauline Nyamweya
- Country: Kenya
2. Questions Presented:
The central legal issues the court must resolve include:
- Whether the Election Petition filed by the Petitioner should be struck out for failing to disclose
a reasonable cause of action.
- Whether the allegations made by the Petitioner regarding electoral misconduct are substantiated
with adequate evidence.

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  • Millitonic-Mwendwa-Kimanzi-Kitute-v-Independent-Electoral-and-Boundaries-Commission--2-others-Case-Summary_13_0.jpg

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