David Bundi v Timothy Mwenda Muthee (2021) eKLR Case Summary

Court: High Court at Chuka

Category: Civil

Judge(s): Lucy Waruguru Gitari

Judgment Date: February 10, 2022

Country: Kenya

Document Type: PDF

Number of Pages: 4

 Case Summary        


Explore the 2021 eKLR case summary of David Bundi v Timothy Mwenda Muthee, highlighting key legal findings and implications for future cases.

Case Brief: David Bundi v Timothy Mwenda Muthee (2021) eKLR
1. Case Information
- Name of the Case: David Bundi v Timothy Mwenda Muthee
- Case Number: Miscellaneous Civil Application E016 of 2021
- Court: High Court at Chuka
- Date Delivered: 10 February 2022
- Category of Law: Civil
- Judge(s): Lucy Waruguru Gitari
- Country: Kenya

2. Questions Presented
The court must resolve the following central legal issues:
1. Should the court set aside the Ruling/Order delivered on 27th September 2021 that dismissed the Applicant’s application dated 22nd September 2021?
2. Should the court reinstate the Application dated 22nd September 2021 for determination on merit?
3. Who should bear the costs of this Application?

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  • David-Bundi-v-Timothy-Mwenda-Muthee-2021-eKLR-Case-Summary_49_0.jpg

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