Diana Kethi Kilonzo & Another v Independent Electoral & Boundaries Commission & 10 Others (2013) eKLR Case Summary

Court: High Court at Nairobi (Milimani Law Courts)

Category: Civil

Judge(s): Mumbi Ngugi, Richard Mururu Mwongo, Weldon Kipyegon Korir

Judgment Date: July 19, 2013

Country: Kenya

Document Type: PDF

Number of Pages: 4

 Case Summary        


Explore the 2013 case summary of Diana Kethi Kilonzo & Another v. Independent Electoral & Boundaries Commission & Others, analyzing key legal issues and implications for electoral processes.

Case Brief: Diana Kethi Kilonzo & Another v Independent Electoral & Boundaries Commission & 10 Others (2013) eKLR
1. Case Information:
- Name of the Case: Diana Kethi Kilonzo & Another v Independent Electoral & Boundaries Commission & 10 Others
- Case Number: Petition 359 of 2013
- Court: High Court at Nairobi (Milimani Law Courts)
- Date Delivered: 19 July 2013
- Category of Law: Civil
- Judge(s): Mumbi Ngugi, Richard Mururu Mwongo, Weldon Kipyegon Korir
- Country: Kenya

2. Questions Presented:
The court was tasked with resolving several key legal issues:
1. Whether the High Court has jurisdiction to hear the matter.
2. Whether the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) and its Dispute Resolution Committee had jurisdiction to hear the complaints against Ms. Kilonzo.
3. Whether the actions of the IEBC and the Committee violated the constitutional rights of the petitioners, particularly regarding the right to a fair hearing and legitimate expectations.

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  • Diana-Kethi-Kilonzo--Another-v-Independent-Electoral--Boundaries-Commission--10-Others-2013-eKLR-Case-Summary_50_0.jpg

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