Jack & Jill Supermarkets Ltd v Viktar Maina Ngunjiri Case Summary

Court: High Court at Nairobi (Milimani Law Courts)

Category: Civil

Judge(s): Joseph Kiplagat Sergon

Judgment Date: July 20, 2017

Country: Kenya

Document Type: PDF

Number of Pages: 3

 Case Summary        


Explore the case summary of Jack & Jill Supermarkets Ltd v Viktar Maina Ngunjiri, highlighting key legal outcomes and insights into the dispute.

Case Brief: Jack & Jill Supermarkets Ltd v Viktar Maina Ngunjiri
1. Case Information:
- Name of the Case: Jack & Jill Supermarkets Ltd v Viktar Maina Ngunjiri
- Case Number: Civil Case No. 422 of 2012
- Court: High Court At Nairobi (Milimani Law Courts)
- Date Delivered: 20 July 2017
- Category of Law: Civil
- Judge(s): Joseph Kiplagat Sergon
- Country: Kenya
2. Questions Presented:
The central legal issues before the court were:
1. Should the court dismiss the suit for want of prosecution due to the plaintiff's inaction?
2. Should the costs of the application and the suit be borne by the plaintiff?

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