What are the provisions for arrest by a private person in Kenya under the Criminal Procedure Code?

What are the provisions for arrest by a private person in Kenya under the Criminal Procedure Code?
Raphael said:
According to Section 34 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Kenya:

"A private person may arrest without a warrant—
(a) any person who in his view commits a cognizable offence; or
(b) any person who has been proclaimed an offender under this Code."

Section 34 (1): "A private person may arrest any person who in his view commits a cognizable offence, or whom he reasonably suspects of having committed a felony."

Section 35 (1): "A private person arresting another person without a warrant shall without unnecessary delay make over the person so arrested to a police officer, or in the absence of a police officer shall take that person to the nearest police station."


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