Conversion of Casual Employment to Term Contract

I have been working in a company for for over a month as a casual employee. Although i get paid daily, I feel like I am working just like the regular employees. Is it possible for my employment terms be changed to something more permanent?
Raphael Mutua said:
Thanks for this question which is commonly asked by casual employees.
The answer is YES. Your terms of employment can be changed from casual employment to a term contract based on Section 37(1) of the Employment Act (Cap 226). This section provides that if a casual employee works for a period or a number of continuous working days amounting to at least one month, or performs work that cannot reasonably be completed within three months, their contract of service shall be deemed to be one where wages are paid monthly. This means that your employment would be subject to monthly wages.
Moreso, if your terms of employment are converted to a term contract and you work for at least 2 months, you will be entitled to other conditions of service provided by the Act which include paid leave. This is in accordance with Section 37(3) of the Employment Act which states that "An employee whose contract of service has been converted in accordance with subsection (1), and who works continuously for two months or
more from the date of employment as a casual employee shall be entitled to such terms and conditions of service as he would have been entitled to under this Act had he not initially been employed as a casual employee."

Feel free to ask any question related to your employment matters.


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