What constitutes intermeddling with the estate of a deceased person, and what are the penalties?

What constitutes intermeddling with the estate of a deceased person, and what are the penalties?
Raphael Mutua said:
Intermeddling occurs when a person takes possession of or disposes of the property of a deceased person without proper legal authority. As per the Section 45 of the Law of Succession Act CAP 160, no one should intermeddle with the property of a deceased person unless expressly authorized by the law or a grant of representation.

The penalties for intermeddling include:
1. Fine not exceeding ten thousand shillings or to a term of imprisonment not exceeding one year or to both such fine and imprisonment
2. Be answerable to the rightful executor or administrator, to the extent of the assets with which he has intermeddled after deducting any payments made in the due course of administration.


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