What is the impact of the Land Registration Act on property owners in Kenya?

I have been reading about the Land Registration Act and was wondering how it affects property owners in Kenya.
Maurice said:
Land Registration Act aims at reforming and modernizing the land registration system in the country. The list below highlights the impact of the Land Registration Act on property owners in Kenya: i. Resolution of Land Disputes ii. Consolidation of Land Records iii. Increased Accountability iv. Improved Security of Land Tenure v. Streamlined Land Registration Process vi. Electronic Land Registration vii. Safeguards Against Fraud viii. Access to Land Information ix. Encouragement of Investment
Mutiso said:
The Land Registration Act LRA (2012) has created a single register for land. Previously, multiple registers were maintained. This step simplifies land registration process. It also makes the process of verifying land ownership easier.
Raphael Mutua said:
The act also ensures that registered owner's title is indefeasible except in cases of fraud or as provided by the Act.
Winfred muia said:
The Land Registration Act(2012) is an act of parliament enacted to revise, consolidate and rationalize the registration of titles to land. It provides an orderly and simplified system of acquiring ownership and reduces myriad of problems in the transfer of title.


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