Protection against tribal discrimination in the workplace

I have a friend who is facing some discrimination at work because of his tribe. Is there any protection against tribal discrimination in the workplace in Kenya?
Maurice said:
Protection against tribal discrimination in the workplace in Kenya is primarily governed by the Kenyan Constitution, labor laws, and various international conventions to which Kenya is a signatory. Below are some key legal provisions and measures in place to address and prevent tribal discrimination in the workplace in Kenya:
i. Kenyan Constitution: Article 27 prohibits discrimination on various grounds, including race, ethnicity and tribe.
ii. Employment Act, 2007
iii. The Fair Employment Practices Code
iv. International Conventions: Kenya is a signatory to various international conventions, including the International Labour Organization (ILO)
vi. National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC)
vii. Workplace Policies
viii. Reporting Mechanisms
Raphael Mutua said:
In Kenya, there is legal protection against discrimination in the workplace, including discrimination based on tribal affiliation. The Constitution of Kenya under Article 27, along with Section 5 of the Employment Act, prohibits discrimination on various grounds including colour, sex, religion, race, language, political opnion, nationality, ethnic or social origin, disability, pregnancy, marital status, or HIV status.
Winfred muia said:
Tribal discrimination is the discrimination of someone's ethnicity or tribe. Protection against tribal discrimination in the workplace is governed by the Constitution, labor laws and The Kenya National Commission on Human Rights(KNCHR).
Article 27 of the constitution guarantees all persons the right to equality and prohibits discrimination on grounds of ethnic or social origin, belief and culture. The employment act 2007, as well prohibits discrimination on various grounds such as race, sex, ethnic or social origin.
Employment sector should seek to erase tribalism by providing information and creating awareness of the importance of national unity in Kenya.


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