Can someone sue if they get hurt on your property even if it wasn't your fault?

Can someone sue if they get hurt on your property even if it wasn't your fault?
Maurice said:
Someone can sue if they get hurt on your property even if it was not your fault. The law provides that property owners practice a duty of care to ensure that their properties are safe for everyone. However, the property owner can escape liability by proving that all safety measures are met. If it is established that a person assumed the risky, for example by engaging in a risky activity, the property owner may not be held liable.
Raphael Mutua said:
In tort law, this falls under "premises liability." Owners of property or those in control of the property have a duty of care towards those who enter their property. They are suppossed to keep the premises reasonably safe for visitors.

If you are negligent in maintaining your property and someone gets hurt there, they can sue you. However, if it is clear accident and not due to any negligence on the part of the property owner, it is less likely that they will have a stong case.

If a friend gets hurt at your place, they could potentially sue if they believe you were negligent in maintaining the property safely. However, if it's a clear accident and not due to any negligence on your part, it's less likely that they would have a strong case.

Please note that this is general knowledge information. Contact a lawyer for legal advice.
Winfred muia said:
Someone can sue if they get hurt or injured on your property even if it wasn't your fault. This falls under 'Premises liability' claim. The basis of the premises liability claim will be negligence. Premises liability law is a type of law that governs personal injury claims arising from an injury on someone else's property. Premises liability law establishes the obligations property owners have to others as well as the types of compensation accident victims can receive. Your legal status on the property affects what obligations the owner or occupier have towards you. If you want to recover compensation from a property owner you believe is responsible for causing harm, you must prove the following elements:
I. The defendant owned or occupied the property.
II. The defendant was negligent in taking care of and maintaining the property.
III. You suffered an injury as a result of the defendant's negligence.
IV. You can be compensated for your harm.


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