What are the rights of immigrants in Kenya?

I need information regarding rights of immigrants in Kenya and how these rights are protected.
Maurice said:
Under Kenyan law, immigrants have certain rights and protections. However, the specific rights and legal protections may vary depending on the immigration status of the individual. The following are some of the key rights and protections that immigrants in Kenya may enjoy:
i. Access to Education
ii. Access to Healthcare
iii. Access to Documentation
iv. Non-Discrimination
v. Freedom of Movement
vi. Right to Legal Representation
Winfred said:
Am immigrant is someone who makes a conscious decision to leave his/her home and move to a foreign country with the intention of settling there. The Kenya Citizenship and Immigration Act provides for the rights of the immigrants. The immigrants can apply for permanent residency after 7 years of legally living and working in Kenya and should comply to the residency obligations as may be prescribed. They have the following rights;
I. Access to public health services under the Kenya National Hospital Insurance Fund.
II. Right to attend educational facilities.
III. Right to be employed in Kenya.
IV. Right to legally own property.
V. Right to move and settle anywhere in Kenya.
VI. Right to return home whenever they choose.


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