What are the rights of employees to a safe and healthy work environment?

What are the rights of employees to a safe and healthy work environment?
Maurice said:
In Kenya, employee health and safety are governed by the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 2007. The Act is meant to protect the employees' wellbeing and other people at places of work. The Act outlines the duties of both employees and employers in promoting health and safety. Some of the key areas in promoting a healthy workplace are;
i. Occupational Health and Safety Audit.
ii. Providing safety gear for employees
iii. Training on safety
iv. Occupational Health and Safety program implementation.
Winfred muia said:
Employees rights to a safe and healthy work environment are provided for under the Occupational Safety and Health Act 2007.The most important rights include;
I. To have any risks to your health and safety properly controlled.
II. To tell your employer about your health and safety concerns you have.
III. To be provided with any personal protective and safety equipment free of charge.
IV. To stop work and leave your work area, without being disciplined if you have reasonable concerns about your safety.
V. To have rest breaks during the working day i.e. Lunch break.


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