In the case where there are multiple claimants to a piece of land, how does one resolve ownership disputes?

In the case where there are multiple claimants to a piece of land, how does one resolve ownership disputes?
Winfred muia said:
Ownership disputes in land with multiple claimants can only be solved through legal process. However, it is advisable to try Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods such as negotiation or mediation where each claimant must provide evidence to support their claim to the land such as title deeds, wills or binding agreements. The mediator must hear the claims and concerns of both parties in a fair manner and then come up with an amicable solution. In a case where the Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods fails, the claimant is advised to take a legal action where the court will make a ruling based on the evidence provided. Note that it is advisable to seek legal profession on matters of land for guidance.


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