What are the regulations governing online content and censorship in Kenya?

What are the regulations governing online content and censorship in Kenya?
Winfred muia said:
Online content refers to any information in the web such as music, videos, images among others. It is used to convey information to an online audience on the internet. Censorship is the control of what can be accessed on the internet on the basis that such material is considered immoral, harmful or sensitive. This brings in, the internet regulations to ensure that internet runs in an amicable manner.

The regulations are:
The Computer Misuse and Cyber Crimes Act of, 2018
This act establishes various offenses such cyber harassment, false publication of data, cyber terrorism, computer fraud, cybersquatting among others. Its aim is to regulate, prevent, prohibit and control the occurrence of the offences stated above.

Kenya Information and Communication Act,1998(subsequently amended)
It prohibits the interception and disclosure of communications.

Kenya Information and Communications (Registration of Subscribers of Telecommunication Services) Regulations (2013)
Requires that each telecommunication provider give the Kenyan Communications Authority access to its systems, records and data for inspection.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948
Article 12 of the act provides that everyone has the right to the protection against interference with his privacy, family, honour and reputation.

Kenya Information and Communications (consumer protection) Regulations (2010)
This act protects subscribers from interception of their communications.

Kenya Information and Communication (Amendment)Bill 2019
Also known as the social media Bill which was introduced to regulate the use of social media in Kenya. It requires bloggers to acquire licences from the Communications Authority (CA). It aims at ensuring that the information published is accurate and unbiased.

National Cohesion and Intergration Act
This act was enacted in response to widespread ethnic violence after the 2007 general elections. Its aim is to monitor illegal content such as hate speech, infringements and copyrights.

Prevention of Terrorism Act and Security Laws Amendment Act
Its aim is to regulate the publication of any information that is likely to directly or indirectly influence a person to prepare to commit or commit a crime of terrorism which is punishable by law.


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