What are the legal requirements for establishing a Sacco in Kenya?

My community wants to start a Sacco (Savings and Credit Cooperative Society). What are the legal requirements for establishing a Sacco in Kenya?
Winfred muia said:
To establish a SACCO in Kenya, you must comply with the following requirements:

I. The first requirement is to make a formal request explaining your intentions for the formation of the SACCO.
ii. The age requirement is a minimum of (fifteen) 15 years of age.
iii. The members of the council MUST be eighteen (18) years of age.
iv. The members of the SACCO should have the same interests and purpose as well as the ability to buy and sale shares.
v. Financial statements such as bank statements is a key requirement for the registration of the Sacco.
v. For it to qualify to become a SACCO, it must have at least 20 members who must have paid a registration fee.
vi. Upon completion of the registration, an authorization letter is issued which is supposed to be submitted to the Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority along with the Sacco registration form for inspection.
viii. The last requirement is payment of a SACCO licence fee which is authorised by the Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority (SASRA)

NOTE: It is advisable to seek more guidance and clarification from the cooperative society offices.


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