What legal measures can be implemented to ensure all children in Kenya have access to quality education?

Winfred muia said:
The Constitution of Kenya guarantees every child the right to free and compulsory education. For every child to get access to quality education, some legal measures should be implemented such as:

i) Review the existing policies and legal framework
The government should look into the specific aspects of education which should be reviewed to ensure the right to high- quality education to all children. This can be achieved by establishing a committee led by the ministry of education mandated to conduct the review through intense consultations , discussions and also workshops. At the end of the meeting, the committee should produce a report explaining the state of the existing education system and the necessary recommendations and guide to develop a better system.

ii) Foster on interventions cutting across access and inclusion
The ministry of education should open a forum for new interventions in relation to improvement of the quality of education in the country .This will be possible by increasing access and inclusion.
Issue regarding access and inclusion cut across ability, gender, age among others.The persons with disabilities should be provided with the necessary materials for learning as well as the modern training with equipped teachers. Regarding age, the government should encourage adult education through trainings mostly to the marginalised people. Mitigating these issues can increase quality education..

iii) Implement effective management of financial resources.
Addressing funding restraints requires an effective management. Effective management is attained by establishing an unprejudiced committee to address financial restraints faced in schools such as teacher salaries, poor educational structures and inadequate learning materials. The government is therefore required to provide adequate financial flow to the ministry of education to facilitate on the pending projects so that quality education can be acquired.

iv) Addressing teacher education.
Poor teacher education affects the quality of education to be acquired by learners. The ministry of education should work on improving the quality of education at higher levels such as colleges and universities to ensure the kind of teachers the institutions produce are fully qualified to give quality education at lower levels.

v) Transformation of better sustainable food systems.
The government should engage in transforming better systems of providing food to schools.Children should be given food in schools to build their focus in class. Food is a basic need and therefore lack of adequate food in schools is a great threat.


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