What documents are required for a real estate transaction?

What documents are required for a real estate transaction?
Winfred muia said:
Real estate transaction is the process that involves transferring of rights between two or more parties in a unit of property. For example, where a seller offers to sell a home and the buyers accepts the purchase. Whether you are buying or selling, a major financial transaction requires a significant amount of paperwork that is meant to protect both parties in the transaction. The paperwork involves signing of documents which include: i) The initial document required by the buyer. -Tax returns for the last two years. -pay stubs for the last two months. - Investment and bank statements for the last two months. -A valid photo of your ID ii) On the seller's side, a listing agreement is required to get the selling process started. iii) A sale agreement which is signed by both parties. iv) Buyer's inspection report in cases where the buyer makes a request for inspection to get information regarding any property's deficiencies. v) An appraisal which is required by the buyer's mortgage lender to ensure that the contract price is appropriate given the home's condition, location and features. vi) In the close of the transaction, the buyer requires documents which consists of loan paperwork, that is, a note, mortgage, loan application and other documents such as proof of insurance, receipts for repair and check for any miscellaneous payments. vii) The seller requires a deed, seller's affidavit, tax declaration and title insurance to complete the transfer. viii) The last document is the settlement statement which lists all charges and credits to the buyer and the seller. There are different types of real estate documents, and the common documents are related to mortgages, easements, deeds, leases among others.


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