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What is the process for applying for refugee status in Kenya?
What is the process for applying for refugee status in Kenya?
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Winfred muia
In Kenya, the Department of Refugee Services (DRS) is responsible for conducting Refugee Status Determination (RSD) which includes, reception, registration and issuance of documentation to individuals applying for refugee status. To apply for a refugee status in Kenya, you should present yourself to the DRS office to apply for asylum immediately upon arrival or within 30 days of entry into Kenya. Registering your application for asylum is an important obligation for an asylum seeker as it forms your legal basis for your stay in Kenya and allows you to access public services and available services as well as protection you against forced return to your country of origin. The registration process is conducted at the DRS offices in Dadaab, Kakuma, Eldoret, Nakuru and Mombasa. The DRS conducts Refugee Status Determination which includes reception, registration, and issuance of documentation. At the DRS's office, the staff will collect your biodata and other important information relating to you, your family members and relatives inside and outside Kenya. The staff will also take pictures of you and biometric information and thereafter you will be requested to answer questions as to why you left your country. There are documents which you must present to the DRS offices such as Passport(s), all available ID documents i.e. {the National ID, military Driver's license and any other civil documentation}, birth/death certificates, marriage/divorce certificates and proof of previous asylum registration in other countries (if any). Once the registration is completed, the DRS will issue you with documentation to enable you to stay in Kenya for the period during which your application will be decide and to be able to access services provided by the government of Kenya.
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