What are the steps for acquiring Kenyan citizenship through naturalization?

What are the steps for acquiring Kenyan citizenship through naturalization?
Winfred said:
In Kenya, there are two ways of acquiring citizenship. They are:
- Citizenship by birth
Article 14 of the constitution provides that a person acquires citizenship by birth if; one or both parents are a Kenyan citizen at the time of birth, whether or not the person is born within Kenya or if they are a child of the age below 8 years found in Kenya and whose nationality, and parents are unknown.
- Citizenship by Registration.
Registration is another way of acquiring citizenship established in the Constitution. Under registration there are different types of citizenship such as: citizen by naturalization, dual citizenship, regain citizenship, citizenship by marriage, stateless persons among others.
According to the question above, we will look at citizenship by Naturalization.

This is the legal process by which a non- citizen of a country/ foreigner may acquire citizenship/ nationality of that country after birth. The rule of naturalization requires an individual to meet certain requirements for which are set out in the constitution. Such requirements include
: - One should have lived in the country for a minimum period of seven years.
- Understand the country's language. That is, either Kiswahili or another local dialect.
- Married to a Kenyan citizen for at least seven years.
- Be of good character and have a good criminal record.
The process involves.
- Filing and submitting an application form.
- Providing a sworn declaration regarding citizenship and registration.
- Submitting the application to the Director of Immigration Services.
- The last step is to fill a citizenship questionnaire form.
You can visit the Directorate of Immigration Services website or their offices for more information.


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