Common traffic violations and their penalties

Common traffic violations and their penalties.
Winfred muia said:
In Kenya, traffic offences and their penalties are governed by laws such as the Traffic Act and regulations set by the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA). The penalties vary depending on the offense, ranging from fines to imprisonment. The common traffic violations and their penalties include: I. Learner driving without the ''L'' on front and rear - penalty of Ksh.1,000 ii. Using a mobile phone while driving - penalty of Ksh.2,000 iii. Driving a PSV or commercial vehicle with tinted windscreen or windows - A fine of Ksh.2,000 iv. Failure to have properly working seat belts in the vehicle - fine of Ksh.1,000 per seat. v. Driving a vehicle without being the designated driver - fine of Ksh.5,000 v. Failing to meet the required speed governors in commercial vehicles and PSV's - A fine of Ksh.10,000 vi. Driver driving on a pathway - fine of Ksh.5,000 vii. Failure to follow directives given by a police officer in uniform executing their duty - A fine of Ksh.2,000 viii. Failre to follow any traffic directions given by traffic signs - fine of Ksh.3,000 ix. Driver picking or driving passengers in at undesignated places - fine of Ksh. 3,000 x. Travelling with part of your body outside the vehicle - penalty of Ksh.1,000 xi. Touting - penalty of Ksh.3,000 xii. Motorcycle riding without proper protective gear on - penalty of Ksh.1,000 xiii. Driving without a valid driving license - penalty of Ksh.7,000 xiv. Failure to renew a driving license - penalty of Ksh.1,000 xv. Exceeding speed limit - penalty of Ksh.3,000 xvi. Driving without number plate affixed in the designated area - penalty of Ksh.10,000 xvii. Driver letting an unauthorised persons drive - penalty of Ksh.5,000 xviii. Deliberately allowing a vehicle to remain on the road so as to cause obstruction to other vehicles - penalty of Ksh.10,000 xix. Motorcycle carrying more than one passenger - penalty of Ksh.1,000 xx. Failure to have functional re- extinguisher and re kit on the vehicle - penalty of Ksh.2,000 xxi. PSV owner employing unlicensed driver or conductor - penalty of Ksh.10,000 xxii. Unlicensed driver acting as a driver/conductor of a PSV vehicle - penalty of Ksh.5,000 xiii. PSV conductors' failure to keep the seat belts clean and in a wearable condition. xiv. Being under influence of drugs or alcohol while driving - penalty of a fine not less than Ksh.100,000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years, or both. xv. Driving without a valid vehicle inspection certificate - A fine of Ksh.10,000 xvi. Failure to carry special budge and wear uniform - fine of Ksh.2,000 xvii. Lack warning signs on the board - fine of Ksh. 2,000 xviii. Conductors' failure to refund the remaining portion of fare to the passenger - fine of Ksh.5,000 The traffic rules apply to both the drivers and the passengers. The following are some of the offenses committed by the passengers and pedestrians. -Passenger knowingly obstructing passage of vehicle - fine of Ksh.500 - Passenger alighting or boarding a matatu at an undesignated area - A fine of Ksh.1,000 - Not wearing a seat belt when the vehicle is at motion - A fine of Ksh.1,000 -Not wearing a protective gear when using a motorcycle - A fine of Ksh.1,000 -Crossing at undesignated areas - Standing in a matatu.


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