Order 14, rule 2 of Civil Procedure Rules : Endorsements on copies of admitted entries in books, accounts, and records


(1) Save in so far as is otherwise provided by any law relating to the production in evidence of bankers’ books, where a document admitted in evidence in the suit is an entry in a letter-book or a shop-book or other account in current use, the party on whose behalf the book or account is produced may furnish a copy of the entry.
(2) Where such a document is an entry in a public record produced from a public office or by a public officer, or an entry in a book or account belonging to a person other than a party on whose behalf the book or account is produced, the court may require a copy of the entry to be furnished—
(a) where the record, book, or account is produced on behalf of a party, then by that party; or
(b) where the record, book, or account is produced in obedience to an order of the court acting on its own motion, then by either or any party.
(3) (2), the court shall, after causing the copy to be examined, compared and certified, mark the entry, and cause the book, account, or record in which it occurs to be returned to the person producing it:
Provided that the court may accept, in the case of a copy of a public record, a certificate of correctness from the public officer in whose charge the record is.

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