Section 536 of The Companies Act No. 17 of 2015: Notice by public company requiring information about interests in its shares


(1) A public company may give notice under this section to any person whom the company knows or reasonably believes— (a) holds an interest in the company's shares; or to have held such an interest at any time during the three years immediately preceding the date on which the notice is issued.
(2) The notice may require the person—
(a) to confirm that fact, or to state whether or not it is the case; and
(b) if the person holds, or has during that time held, any such interest, to give such further information as may be required by subsections (3) to (7).
(3) The notice may require the person to whom it is addressed to give information about the person's own present or past interest in the company's shares held by the person at any time during the three year period referred to in subsection (1)(b).
(4) The notice may require the person to whom it is addressed if—
(a) the person's interest is a present interest and another interest in the shares subsists; or
(b) another interest in the shares subsisted during that three year period at a time when the person's interest subsisted; to give, so far as lies within the person's knowledge, such information about that other interest as may be required by the notice.
(5) The information referred to in subsections (3) and (4) includes—(a) the identity of persons who hold interests in the relevant shares; and
(b) whether persons who hold interests in the same shares are or were parties to—
(i) an agreement to which section 566 applies; or
(ii) an agreement or arrangement relating to the exercise of any rights conferred by holding the shares.
(6) The notice may require the person to whom it is addressed, if the person's interest is a past interest, to give (so far as it is within the person's knowledge) information about the identity of the person who became the holder of that interest when the person ceased to hold it.
(7) The person to whom a notice is given under this section shall provide the required information within such reasonable period (being not less than seven days) as may be specified in the notice.

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