Section 620 of The Companies Act No. 17 of 2015: Interpretation: Part XXV


(1) In this Part—
“annual financial statement” in relation to a company, means the company's individual financial statement for a financial year, and includes any group financial statement prepared by the company for that year.
(2) In the case of an unquoted company, its annual financial statement and reports for a financial year consist of— (a) its annual financial statement;
(b) the directors' report; and
(c) the auditor's report on the financial statement and directors' report unless the company is exempt from audit.
(3) In the case of a quoted company, its annual financial statement and reports for a financial year consist of— (a) its annual financial statement;
(b) the directors' remuneration report;
(c) the directors' report; and
(d) the auditor's report on— (i) the financial statement;
(ii) the auditable part of the directors' remuneration report; and
(iii) the directors' report.
(4) A reference in this Part to a company's annual financial statement, or toa balance sheet or profit and loss account, includes notes to the statement, or balance sheet or profit and loss account that—
(a) give information required by a provision of this Act or the prescribed financial accounting standards; and
(b) are required or permitted by the provision to be given in a note to a company's financial statements.

Disclaimer: This document is not to be taken as legal advise.

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