Article 179 of The Constitution of Kenya: County executive committees.


(1) The executive authority of the county is vested in, and exercised by, a county executive committee.
(2) The county executive committee consists of—
(a) the county governor and the deputy county governor; and
(b) members appointed by the county governor, with the approval of the assembly, from among persons who are not members of the assembly.
(3) The number of members appointed under clause (2)(b) shall not exceed—
(a) one-third of the number of members of the county assembly, if the assembly has less than thirty members; or
(b) ten, if the assembly has thirty or more members.
(4) The county governor and the deputy county governor are the chief executive and deputy chief executive of the county, respectively.
(5) When the county governor is absent, the deputy county governor shall act as the county governor.
(6) Members of a county executive committee are accountable to the county governor for the performance of their functions and exercise of their powers.
(7) If a vacancy arises in the office of the county governor, the members of the county executive committee appointed under clause (2)(b) cease to hold office.

Disclaimer: This document is not to be taken as legal advise.

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