Shah & Shah Advocates

  • Address:3rd Floor, Kimathi Chambers, Kimathi Street, Nairobi, Kenya.
  • City/Town: Nairobi
  • Telephone Number: +254707713419
  • Telephone Number 2: +254738 662990
  • Email Address:
  • Website:
  • Areas of Practice: Banking and Finance Law|Civil Litigation|Commercial Law|Dispute Resolution|Divorce Law|Employment and Labor Law|Intellectual Property Law|Personal Injury Law|Property Law|Tenant and Landlord Law|Trusts and Estates Law


Shah & Shah Advocates is an established law firm based in Nairobi at the heart of the city centre. Our advocates provide legal advice and support to individual clients and their families as well as private sector businesses ranging from large national companies to owner managed businesses, charities, NGOs, hospitality industries, banking and investment companies, educational establishments etc.