Document Type: DOCX
Number of Pages: 4
This is a is a legally binding agreement between an employer (organization or company) and a project manager (employee) which outlines the terms and conditions of employment, expectations, rights and obligations of both parties.Key Components:1. Introduction & Parties Involved2. Job Title and Duties3. Contract Duration4. Place of Work5. Working Hours6. Salary and Benefits7. Leave Entitlements8. Performance Evaluation9. Confidentiality Clause10. Non-Compete and Non-Solicitation Clause11. Termination of Employment12. Dispute Resolution13. Governing Law14. Entire Agreement Clause15. SignaturesPurpose:1. Reduces legal risks and liabilities2. Provides mechanisms for resolving disagreements3. Employee Security4. Employer Protection5. Defines roles, responsibilities, and deliverablesOrder for an editable template which you can update to meet your needs
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This is a legally binding agreement between an employer (such as a clinic, school, hospital, mental health organization, or private practice) and a counselor (employee). It outlines the terms and...